The way time goes by - odd things in the Bible #5

The Israelites are in Egypt for 430 years, wander the desert for 40, and then settle into their Promised Land. We have stories of Joshua, Caleb, Gideon and 300 warriors overcoming a huge army, Samson and Delilah, and early Israelite kings - Saul and David. Then I read this about David's son: "In the four hundred and eightieth year after the Israelites had come out of the land of Egypt... the second month of the fourth year of Solomon's reign, he began to build the house of the Lord." 1 Kings 6:1 What? For about the same amount of time that there is little record (430 years in Egypt), there's suddenly a spurt of recording. The Mosaic Law is given. Judges are generally outlined with 20-40 year gaps. The prophet Samuel, kings Saul and David come and go. And there went another 480 years of human history. Similarly, some seasons are memorable for us. You may hear family stories. Someone may pass on their worldviews and family values.Other memories disappear, like the d...