God doesn't mind nagging? - odd stuff in the Bible #3

You know how irritating it is to be nagged? Ugh

My rule of thumb is "I'll say it twice; third time is nagging." How I dislike nagging or being nagged.

Apparently God's endless patience encourages us not to quit praying, not to quit asking him for what we need. 
Here's the story that has me scratching my head:

Jesus told his disciples a story. He wanted to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said, 

In a certain town there was a judge. He didn’t have any respect for God or care about what people thought. A widow lived in that town. She came to the judge again and again. She kept begging him, "Make things right for me. Someone is treating me badly."

For some time the judge refused. But finally he said to himself, "I don’t have any respect for God. I don’t care about what people think. But this widow keeps bothering me. So I will see that things are made right for her. If I don’t, she will someday come and attack me!"

The Lord said:
 Listen to what the unfair judge says. God’s chosen people cry out to him day and night. Won’t he make things right for them? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, God will see that things are made right for them. He will make sure it happens quickly. (But when the Son of Man comes, will he find people on earth who have faith?)  (Luke 18 NIRV)

Reflection: What is God inviting me to "nag" him about today? In what way/s have I given up too quickly?


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