Sarah gets angry with Abraham - odd things in the Bible #8

Here's another thing that makes me wonder about Abraham's leadership and character. In Genesis 16 (read it below), there's a puzzle. Sarah can't have children. She and Abraham are old. They are desperate to make the promise of God come true. It's the cultural right of a wife to give her slave to her husband and claim the children as her own. That happens in subsequent generations, too. (2 generations later, more than half of Jacob's children are born by his wives' servants. In the times of the judges of Israel, Naomi claims her grandchild as her own, though born by her daughter-in-law Ruth.) But here's the strange thing I'm thinking about. Abraham never asks God if this is his plan. He takes the easy way out. That backfires after the servant Hagar becomes pregnant. She begins to disrespect Abraham's wife and her mistress. Most of us would think: "Sarah, how can you blame Abraham for this turmoil, when it's your own fault? You asked Abrah...