
The way time goes by - odd things in the Bible #5

The Israelites are in Egypt for 430 years, wander the desert for 40, and then settle into their Promised Land. We have stories of Joshua, Caleb, Gideon and 300 warriors overcoming a huge army, Samson and Delilah, and early Israelite kings - Saul and David. Then I read this about David's son: "In the four hundred and eightieth year after the Israelites had come out of the land of Egypt... the second month of the fourth year of Solomon's reign, he began to build the house of the Lord." 1 Kings 6:1 What? For about the same amount of time that there is little record (430 years in Egypt), there's suddenly a spurt of recording. The Mosaic Law is given. Judges are generally outlined with 20-40 year gaps. The prophet Samuel, kings Saul and David come and go. And there went another 480 years of human history. Similarly, some seasons are memorable for us. You may hear family stories. Someone may pass on their worldviews and family values.Other memories disappear, like the d

Does God need a rest? - odd things in the Bible #4

Hmm. "God rested." If God is eternal, are there times when he comes into time and pauses? if so, why would he do that? And by the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on that day He rested from all His work. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because on that day He rested from all the work of creation that He had accomplished.  Genesis 2:2-3 BSB I don't have an answer though I've heard many speculations. What it means to me is that rest is a created aspect of life on this planet. Therefore, not to rest works against us: bodies, souls, minds, emotions.  It makes us crazy somehow . We become dysfunctional in many ways. Maybe scripture is giving us a model of what healthy work and rest balance look like - a day off once a week. Only a loving and Good God would consider the well-being of his creatures. He'd mandate rest rather than enslaving us with constant duties and obligations, wouldn't he? Reflection: In what ways do I

God doesn't mind nagging? - odd stuff in the Bible #3

You know how irritating it is to be nagged? Ugh My rule of thumb is "I'll say it twice; third time is nagging." How I dislike nagging or being nagged. Apparently God's endless patience encourages us not to quit praying, not to quit asking him for what we need.  Here's the story that has me scratching my head: Jesus told his disciples a story. He wanted to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said,  In a certain town there was a judge. He didn’t have any respect for God or care about what people thought.  A widow lived in that town. She came to the judge again and again. She kept begging him, "Make things right for me. Someone is treating me badly." For some time the judge refused. But finally he said to himself, "I don’t have any respect for God. I don’t care about what people think.  But this widow keeps bothering me. So I will see that things are made right for her. If I don’t, she will someday come and attack me!" The L

Plants before sun and moon (Genesis 1) - odd stuff in the Bible #2

Have you ever said, "Umm, how does that work?" when you've read Genesis 1?  Day 3 tells of the creation of plants and Day 4 summarizes the creation of sun, moon, and stars. But how can plants live without the light of the sun? Then I get to the end of the Book, which talks about many "trees of life" along a river. The fruit is eaten by inhabitants of a God-designed city to give their bodies eternal life. The prophet John also says there's no need for sun or moon because the glory of God illuminates the city (Revelation 21:33) and the Lord God will shine on the New Jerusalem so there is no more night in the city (Revelation 22:5). So in the end, light returns to the universe as it was before creation, the brightness of God's Presence which makes all things grow and thrive. Reflection: How important is the light of God for you today? In what ways do you experience it?

Accusing God of blasphemy - odd stuff in the Bible #1

Wondering: How can God blaspheme himself?  A passage of scripture makes me shake my head in wonder at our human foolishness. (I'm not sure we've gotten much smarter in the 2000 years since this happened.) At the unjust trial that leads to Jesus' death, he is accused of breaking Jewish law. However, no two witnesses can agree on a charge against him. Then the Jewish high priest asks him if he's the Messiah. "You have said so,”   Jesus replied.   “But I say to all of you: From now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, “He has spoken blasphemy! Why do we need any more witnesses? Look, now you have heard the blasphemy.   What do you think?” “He is worthy of death,” they answered. (Matthew 24:62-66) Ok, do I understand that they're killing God - Jesus, God's messenger - because he admits who he is?  In essence, the priest is saying, " Le

"Hello, self."

Writing. Art. Music. Talking. I've loved them since I was a little kid. They're "me." "Hello, self!" we say with easy comfort, recognizing what makes our heart sing. For you, is it: people colors numbers shapes sounds smells food or? Finding and nurturing that "thing" will make your soul come alive. It's how you were created to be and what you were made to do.